Australia’s largest annual survey for workplace mental health and wellbeing has been released, revealing the indicators of a thriving workplace. 61.8% of Australian workers will suffer a mental health condition in their lifetime, and nearly a quarter of them believe their workplace has caused it or made it worse. Reports like this one are essential in understanding what factors limit organisations in creating mentally healthy workplaces and how to create positive environments for employees to thrive. In this 2021 report, Australia’s thriving workplace score is 65.6/100, compared to 65.1 in 2020. The most important thing to note is that this number continues to climb from recent years - even through the pandemic. 83.8% of people in thriving workplaces plan on…
This is the fourth and final post in the series. Click to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part three here 7. A lot of people are fixers Being a fixer is great in the business sense. Someone comes to you with a problem and you help them fix it and you move on. Great! But we humans are complex beings who can’t always be fixed. Consider for a moment that someone might just want validation that they are allowed to feel like they do, or even empathy about how crappy their situation is. By trying to fix we: Are often trying to fix a problem we haven’t heardMake a heck load of assumptionsAssume someone wants/there is a solution to…
In the blink of an eye, my training schedule for the financial year vanished, my kids can't go to the playground, I can't see my friends and an unsolicited coworker (my husband) has moved into my home office..... and he is there Every. Single. Day.What the heck happened?! If you're anything like me, life was tricky enough juggling all of your competing priorities. Now we are trying to adjust to a whole new way of life, while still managing the usual suspects, all on a background of uncertainty.How long will this last? When can we get back to normal? What will normality even look like?These are questions we cannot answer or control. We like certainty - and as humans, we most…