Covid-19 Are you okay?
Covid-19 … Honestly, how are you going?

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In the blink of an eye, my training schedule for the financial year vanished, my kids can’t go to the playground, I can’t see my friends and an unsolicited coworker (my husband) has moved into my home office….. and he is there Every. Single. Day.

What the heck happened?! 

If you’re anything like me, life was tricky enough juggling all of your competing priorities. Now we are trying to adjust to a whole new way of life, while still managing the usual suspects, all on a background of uncertainty.

How long will this last? When can we get back to normal? What will normality even look like?

These are questions we cannot answer or control. We like certainty – and as humans, we most definitely like having goal posts. It is normal to feel anxious when we lose control.

Why do you think so many people have decided to stockpile toilet paper? It makes them feel they have a sense of control over the situation!

How are you going? Are you barely keeping your head above water? or are you embracing this time to get extra things done around the house? Try to focus on what you can control i.e. using your time purposefully to learn a new hobby, exercise, read, call your friends you haven’t spoken with in a while – whatever floats your boat.

Gratitude is a powerful tool – Try to consciously practice gratitude for what you do have throughout this uncertain time. 

If you find yourself needing to download (or unleash)  to someone – understand this is perfectly normal and there are heaps of resources listed below if you need some help. As you know, I am the biggest advocate to talk things out before they escalate.

Do you need a boost or someone to talk to?

SA Mental Health Support Line – 1800 632 753

Beyond Blue – Coronavirus website and support line

11 of the best meditation and mindfulness apps to help manage stress levels

Mental Health First Aid – Covid-19 Resources

Dealing with COVID-19 Anxiety

Assisting someone who is distressed by COVID

Providing Mental Health First Aid during times of Social Distancing
