About Us


Caring about outcomes and ensuring change within your organisation is sustainable – not just another ‘tick the box’ exercise, with a passion to create mentally healthy workplaces. 

A core belief is a good trainer can deliver content and meet learning outcomes. A great trainer can engage, inspire and change lives.

Rosie Bartlett

Rosie Bartlett created Mindseye Training and Consulting in 2015 with a passion to create mentally healthy workplaces.

A Principal Master Mental Health First Aid Instructor with over 14 years’ experience training in Mental Health First Aid, suicide prevention, resilience training, and other mental health and drug and alcohol programs.

With a demonstrated history of working across Accounting and Professional Services, Acting and Modelling, Active Communities and Mental Health, Building and Construction, Community Services, Defence, Disability, Drug and Alcohol Services, Education (Early Childhood, Schools and Higher Education), Employment Services, Hospitality, Insurance, Local and State Government, Manufacturing, Medical, Mining and Resources, Non-Government Organisations and Peak Bodies, Retail, Small Business, Tech Companies, Unions and Wine.

Delivering training and presented at conferences across Australia, offering both accredited and non-accredited programs both publicly and in-house, face to face and online. Building upon acting, modelling and presenting experience in Australia and South Korea, presenting demonstrations, lead in photography shoots, supporting promotional activities and recording videos.

Fairlie Morgan

Fairlie is a clinically trained Consultant Psychologist, with nearly 30 years of industry experience. She is also a Principal Master Instructor in Mental Health First Aid, and a Mental Fitness Trainer. She has a passion for collaborating in creating mentally healthy workplaces, and has a focus on building Mental Fitness within individuals, teams, and organisations.

She has worked in a wide range of environments, with a focus on high-risk and trauma related mental health. These have included psychiatric hospitals, the Royal Flying Doctor Service (both the Queensland and Victorian divisions), and the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (now Fire Rescue Victoria) in Melbourne.

Fairlie has also provided training and services into a diverse range of workforces, including the Emergency Services sector, retail and hospitality, Local Councils, State Department services, healthcare and medical services, corporate organisations (such as insurance providers), and construction and transport services.

Andris Banders

Andris Banders has experience in private and government sectors in business development, management and director levels working with and reporting to boards of management. Extensive knowledge of the NGO sector in service development and management as well as policy and advocacy in the health and welfare sectors. A former member of the SA Health and Wellbeing Departments Ministerial Community Advisory Group on Mental Health in South Australia and previously employed by TAFE SA as a lecturer in the areas of mental health, substance misuse and comorbidity. 

Operates on and applies the belief that all good work and outcomes by training and consulting enterprises start by ‘talking with’ and not ‘talking to’ the client. Previously facilitated large public consultations and forums seeking to address major issues and contributed to the development of a range of systems supporting peoples needs.

Specialises in consulting and development of training programs in response to client briefs and specifications.


Tracy Boomer

Tracy’s journey began in Canberra where she has undertaken over 100 presentations to agencies in Canberra and surrounding NSW to reduce stigma, raise awareness of mental health problems, discuss the importance of early intervention and help seeking.

With diverse life skills and experience assisting people with a range of mental health problems and working with Young People, Adolescents and their families for over 29 years in Youth Justice, Drug and Alcohol and Mental Health Services and Education. 

A PACFA Registered Counsellor and a passion for reducing the stigma associated with mental health and stressing the importance of a healthy mind and body through self-care.

Accredited Standard and Youth Mental Health Health First Aid Instructor

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